Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Too Much Comments

I feel annoyed. If you such a person like me, you will feel the same like what I feel now.
As a matter of fact, I already know each person has his own mind. But, why I couldn't accept that perception? So, I have to learn more about patience I think.
Just ignore this feeling, it will get better later, just need  a little time, maybe.

Instead of talking about my feeling, I just remember one story, still around this matter, about "too much comments". So then, this is the story.
Once upon a time, on a place that I can't remember it's name, but I think it's near middle east, there were father and his son who wanted to go from their village, but they just had one donkey as a mount. All along their journey, there were people who always give comments for dad and son's situation. First, Father of that son rode the donkey and that son just walked. Someone said " How pity, why are you so cruel? You let your child walk while you sit on that donkey."
Father was thinking about that comment and then he got down from his donkey and let his child rode the donkey, and then they continued their journey. Not far from the first accident, another person give his comment for that family, he said, " How cruel your son, let you walk while he enjoyed sit on that donkey." After that, Father and son rode their donkey together and they continue their journey.
At another place they heard another comment from a group of citizen, "What were they thinking? How can they ride that little donkey together? Didn't they think it could die?
Hearing that comments, finally Father and son got down from their donkey and started walk. Not far, they met another group of citizen who were talking about them. They said."How fool they were! They had donkey and they walked?"

What do you get from this story? I hope you know the point of this story, that nobody can satisfied with one condition. You'll tired, if you always follow what people's said. Just do what you think is right and just be yourself. If you are confidence with yourself, you don't need to worry about another said ^_^

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